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Meet Mr.Carsten! His mom and I had so much fun planning his one year cake smash photo session! It was a joy and honor to photograph this handsome little man for his first birthday! Happy Birthday buddy!!!
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I can’t believe Miss Presley turned one last month! It seems like yesterday that we were planning her newborn session and her 6 month baby photos! Time sure flies when you’re turning one! We had so much fun planning her cake smash! Happy Birthday baby girl!!
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I cannot believe how much these twin boys have grown since their newborn session last year. When I found out we were going to do a Dr. Seuss themed cake smash I was just over-the-moon excited! I’ve always wanted to have a Dr. Seuss party for one of my own kids and since I haven’t […]
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Oh why can’t we turn one more than once!? It’s pretty special and fun and I love that I get to photograph some of these little ones for their first birthday. The cake smash is an absolute RIOT! Here’s a little video clip that I shot with my iphone from the cake smash. She is […]
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…Well apparently a lot of one year olds don’t. Or at least they don’t like being messy which I can completely relate to! I’m really having a great time planning and shooting these cake smash sessions for my clients. Please call me if you want to plan a one-year-old cake smash session any time in […]