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This year I made a big change with my newborn sessions. I really wanted to separate the classic newborn images with lifestyle newborn/family images. What’s the difference? Classic newborn photography is the baby posed and propped looking all curled up and adorable–accessories galore. I love this type of photography and I probably shoot this most […]

Cleveland Lifestyle Newborn Session

January 21, 2013

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This image of my mine has been featured over on the Confessions of a Prop Junkie Blog! So exciting, especially since it’s a black-and-white  portrait  and this is how it all started for me many moons ago. So many beautiful images were chosen and I am HONORED mine was included! Woohoo!! Here are a couple of […]

Confessions of a Prop Junkie {Cleveland Black and White Portraits}

October 5, 2012

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There are no fancy tricks here. Just two adorable sisters playing at the park. I’ve been photographing this Westlake family for years and they are always a complete pleasure! Can’t you just feel the joy?!  


May 26, 2009

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Here’s my little cover girl (I guess she’s really a splash page girl). Can you believe I shot these in a small hotel room down in Miami, Florida. Yep, all I need is that great window light and a white hotel sheet! She was 5 weeks old and she slept like a champ! Before I […]

Birth Announcements

May 22, 2009

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